
Work With Dr. Marc Hardy


areas of consultation:

Leadership Development
Nonprofit Board Development
Grant Proposal Writing
Strategic Planning
Volunteer Management


These courses and webinars can be customized to your organization or group.
  • The Sharing Fire® Prescription For What Ails Higher Educational Leadership
  • Generosity As A Force For Good: The Power Of Sharing Your Story For Transformational Giving


Dr. Hardy has been a radio and public television interview and talk show host, producing voice overs for more than 500 radio commercials. He has interviewed hundreds of people and in addition has voiced more than a dozen industrial videos.

What People Are Saying About Sharing Fire®

A Sharing Fire® leader knows that everyone tells stories about where they work. This either attracts or repels the best and brightest from coming to work for an organization. What stories do you want them telling about your organization?